Feb 28th Update: The spring season registration period is now open. All coordinators were sent an email this morning with instructions.
Registration is open until July 30th for everyone but 7th/8th girls which is open through August 4th. If you'd like an idea how many teams are registering per division or organization, click on the buttons below to view some high-level registration metrics. You can also look at the Standings page. As we approve teams and assign them to pods (for rec teams), they will show up on the Standings page so you can get a better idea who your opponents will be for the upcoming season. The podding up should be finished by March 16th.
Registered Teams by Division Registered Teams by Organization
We will be hosting a Preseason Tournament for all 3rd-8th grade boys and girls teams on March 15/16. This tournament will feature teams from our league as well as boys teams from the Greater Cincinnati Catholic Youth Sports league. This will be a fun tune up for the regular season.
Tournament Info
Here is information about our Spring 2025 season (updated after our league meeting on January 13th)
Here are some key pre-season dates:
Amerileagues launched the new Cincinnati Premier Youth Volleyball League in the fall of 2016 to provide a community-based youth volleyball league in the Greater Cincinnati area. We partner with our member organizations to ensure the best possible volleyball experience for the youth of our communities and their families as well as our volunteer coaches. The CPYVL is committed to bringing a positive league experience to all of our members. We are a customer-focused league that is always looking to improve our operations based on the suggestions of our member organizations.