Feb 28th Update: The spring season registration period is now open. All coordinators were sent an email this morning with instructions.

Important Info


Please use our Communication Form to communicate with the league. You can ask questions, share a positive experience, and report incidents of misconduct. By using the form, your questions will be routed to the appropriate people which will result in a quicker response to your questions and resolution of your issues!

Communication Form

The coach of the winning team is responsible for reporting the score of the match within 48 hours of the match being played.  Coaches can access score reporting from several places:
  • Report Scores menu option on the Portals->Coach menu
  • Report Score box in upper right corner of Coach Portal
  • Subscribe to Score Reporting Notifications and receive email with link on game day

    Scores can be entered and later updated using the email link. Scores can be entered and also re-submitted for up to 30 days on the Report Scores page

  • Jan 7 League Meeting

    Mar 1 Team Registration Opens

    Mar 14 Gym Availability Due

    Mar 14 Team Registrations Due

    Mar 15-16 Preseason Tournament

    Mar 28 Schedules Available

    Apr 3 Rosters and Waivers Due

    Apr 4 Opening Weekend

    May 11 Regular Season Ends

    May 16-18 Tournament

    May 7 League Meeting

    July 17 Team Registration Opens

    July 30 Gym Availability Due

    July 30 Team Registrations Due (all boys and 3rd-6th girls)

    Aug 2 Coaches Clinic

    Aug 8 Team Registrations Due (7th/8th girls)

    Aug 12-15 Coordinator Schedule Review

    Aug 16 Schedules Available

    Aug 16-17 Pre-Season Tourney

    Aug 21 5pm Rosters and Waivers Due

    Aug 22 Opening Weekend

    Oct 5 Regular Season Ends

    Oct 10-12 Tournament (all teams)

  • 3rd-12th grade teams
  • 10 game schedules
  • All grades girls rec divisions
  • Rec teams grouped by location
  • 4th, 5th, and 6th girls athletic divisions
  • 3rd/4th, 5th/6th and 7th/8th boys rec divisions
  • League schedules all games
  • League manages/assigns refs
  • Games at member gyms
  • Post-season tournament
  • $105 per team + ref fees
  • ALL parents/guardians must fill out the CPYVL Liability Waiver form for each of their children once per school year. Players will not be allowed to participate in league games until the waiver has been submitted. THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE FILLED OUT BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN, NOT THE COORDINATOR

    If you create a user account before you fill out a waiver form, you can view and edit your form from your Subscriber Portal. You must be logged into the web site when you fill out your waiver form to take advantage of this.

    Liability Waiver Form

    Please click on the PDF icons below to familiarize yourself with the rules for our girls volleyball leagues.

    League Rules

    Coach Codes of Conduct

    Parent Codes of Conduct

    Player Codes of Conduct

    Registration Metrics

    Registration is open until July 30th for everyone but 7th/8th girls which is open through August 4th.  If you'd like an idea how many teams are registering per division or organization, click on the buttons below to view some high-level registration metrics. You can also look at the Standings page. As we approve teams and assign them to pods (for rec teams), they will show up on the Standings page so you can get a better idea who your opponents will be for the upcoming season.  The podding up should be finished by March 16th.

    Registered Teams by Division Registered Teams by Organization

    Preseason Tournament

    We will be hosting a Preseason Tournament for all 3rd-8th grade boys and girls teams on March 15/16.  This tournament will feature teams from our league as well as boys teams from the Greater Cincinnati Catholic Youth Sports league.  This will be a fun tune up for the regular season.

    Tournament Info

    1. 3 round robin matches
    2. Registration will open on February 7th until March 5th
    3. $60 registration fee per team (payable during registration) + ref fees (payable to ref before match)
    4. Coordinators can register all of their teams at once if they plan on paying the registration fees or individual coaches can register and pay for their own teams

    Tournament Web Site

    Spring League Information

    Here is information about our Spring 2025 season (updated after our league meeting on January 13th)

    1. 10 match, 6 week season beginning on April 4th and ending on May 11th
    2. Post-season single elimination tournament on May 16-18.  Each bracket will be played at a single site on a single day if possible.
    3. Girls recreational divisions:3rd-6th individual grades, 7th/8th combined, and high school
    4. Girls athletic divisions: 5th/6th combined A and B.  Based on the meeting we won't have enough for a 4th grade athletic division and combining 5th/6th will provide organizations with more flexibility.
    5. Boys divisions:  3rd/4th rec, 5th/6th rec and athletic, 7th/8th rec and athletic
    6. NEW in 2025 a 7th-8th athletic division for both girls and boys as well as 5th/6th grade boys
    7. Geographic pod scheduling for all recreational divisions
    8. Each team must provide a lines person for each game

    Here are some key pre-season dates:

    • January 13 - League Meeting
    • March 1 - Registration Opens (teams can be registered, gym availability and team conflicts should be entered)
    • March 14 - Registration Closes
    • March 15/16 - Preseason Tournament
    • March 25-27 - Coordinator Schedule Review
    • March 28 - Schedule Released
    • April 3 - Rosters and Liability Waivers Due

    About Us

    Amerileagues launched the new Cincinnati Premier Youth Volleyball League in the fall of 2016 to provide a community-based youth volleyball league in the Greater Cincinnati area. We partner with our member organizations to ensure the best possible volleyball experience for the youth of our communities and their families as well as our volunteer coaches. The CPYVL is committed to bringing a positive league experience to all of our members. We are a customer-focused league that is always looking to improve our operations based on the suggestions of our member organizations.