Lindsay's Law

Please read the following information from the Ohio Department of Health regarding Lindsay's Law which addresses Sudden Cardiac Arrest in youth athletes. The law went into effect on August 1, 2017. The CPYVL is simply providing this information as guidance as it is incumbent upon each organization to make sure they are compliant with the state of Ohio. You can read more about Lindsay's Law on the Ohio Department of Health web site: READ ABOUT LINDSAY'S LAW
We have included links to resources below which might be helpful for our members, but please note that it is the obligation of your organization to make sure everyone for their program is trained and in compliance with the Ohio state law.
The following resources were developed to implement Lindsay’s Law:
For parents/guardians and youth athletes:
For coaches:
If you are a coach for an interscholastic sport and are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education, please visit their website for information about their training requirements around Lindsay’s Law.
If you are a coach in a community program, please use the following resources: