Spring League Information

Here is information about our Spring 2025 season (updated after our league meeting on January 13th)

  1. 10 match, 6 week season beginning on April 4th and ending on May 11th
  2. Post-season single elimination tournament on May 16-18.  Each bracket will be played at a single site on a single day if possible.
  3. Girls recreational divisions:3rd-6th individual grades, 7th/8th combined, and high school
  4. Girls athletic divisions: 5th/6th combined A and B.  Based on the meeting we won't have enough for a 4th grade athletic division and combining 5th/6th will provide organizations with more flexibility.
  5. Boys divisions:  3rd/4th rec, 5th/6th rec and athletic, 7th/8th rec and athletic
  6. NEW in 2025 a 7th-8th athletic division for both girls and boys as well as 5th/6th grade boys
  7. Geographic pod scheduling for all recreational divisions
  8. Each team must provide a lines person for each game

Here are some key pre-season dates:

  • January 13 - League Meeting
  • March 1 - Registration Opens (teams can be registered, gym availability and team conflicts should be entered)
  • March 14 - Registration Closes
  • March 15/16 - Preseason Tournament
  • March 25-27 - Coordinator Schedule Review
  • March 28 - Schedule Released
  • April 3 - Rosters and Liability Waivers Due